Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia (BTPS) promotes networking of ideas and their realisation oportunities in (Slovene) tourism arena. This is our Travel blog, where we will try to find different people willing to write about Slovenia and Slovenian tourism potentials. All in the name of even better tourism for which our Bank of Tourism Potentials is struggling 24/7. Stay tuned to BTPS and stay tuned to series of live reporting from Slovenian tourism scene!

December 11, 2011

Days of Slovenian Tourism

Ariane Goerke, young German entrepreneur discovering innovative Slovenian tourism

On 8 and 9 December the Days of Slovenian Tourism took place at the Congress Center Bernardin in Portorož. The two-day event brings all tourism institutions of Slovenia together, including Slovenian Tourist Board, Ministry of the Economics, Tourist Association of Slovenia, Chamber of Tourism and Catering, Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship, Association of Tourist Agencies of Slovenia as well as Slovenian Convention Bureau to talk about the future of Slovenia as a travel destination.

I joined Novi turizem team Tina and Dejan on Friday for the plenary session at the 14th Slovenian Tourism forum, where the new Development Strategy Plan for Slovenian Tourism 2012-2016 was presented. Thanks to headphones and translators I could understand everything :-)! There is still much debate on the vision and mission of the strategy. Some argue for instance, that Slovenia should focus on one main product. Others say, that there is no single USP that could work for Slovene tourism. The complexity of the brand Slovenia is the true advantage. All in all, the Slovenian Tourist Board wants to focus and encourage sustainable, high-quality and responsible tourism by promoting a GREEN sLOVEnia.

What I found really interesting was the presentation of Daniel Levine (Avant Guide Institute, New York). He talked about "The New Future of Tourism: How Slovenia will thrive beyond 2012" and showed us how Slovenia could and should use global trends in the tourism industry - personalize your products and services, post on social web, know who talks about you online and respond, think mobile and promote meaningful experiences including health, learning, environment, friends and family to name just a few of his tips.

Thanks for letting me join the event with you Novi turizem :-)! I met many innovative and inspiring people such as Tomaž Štefe, the initiator and former manager of Hostel Celica which is an old prison turned into a hip hostel, and Miha Anzelc from Židana Marela, a private company of three guys who found a market niche by organizing unique Slovenian evenings, special tours for photographers and stag parties for mostly British tourist.


  1. Sehr gut geschrieben Ariane! Ich wünsche ich konnte auf dieser Veranstalltung sein. Viel Erfolg und Spaß bei der weiteren Entdeckung slowenisches Tourismus!

  2. Vielen Dank Primoz! Es war wirklich interesant. Mir gefällt es nach wie vor in Slowenien und ich werde mich wohl mein ganzes Leben daran erinnern :-). Dir auch noch viel Erfolg mit deiner Forschung in Deutschland!
